Bib #123
They’ve assigned bib numbers for AC100. My bib is #123.
When I saw that, my heart started pounding. It became much more real than it was when they published the list of runners. I got nervous.
There are a few people I know who seem to doubt that I can do this. I suspect it’s because they routinely power past me when doing a 14 mile run. They are younger and faster. But I’m not really going for fast. I’m going for far.
And now I’m off to run 20 miles in the hills.
I hiked the Silver Moccasin in 1971 as a Boy Scout (Troop 317, Holy Redeemer Parish, Montrose). I’d love to know what stretch of the trail that lovely photo indicates, since I don’t recognize it.
Bill – that stretch is between Short Cut Saddle and Westfork. I ran that stretch during Mt. Disappointment. I don’t believe it is actually part of the AC100 course. We will come in to Shortcut on the Silver Moccasin, but head down from Shortcut on a fireroad that will take us through Newcombe’s Saddle…(I think)…
Yeah, I got my race number as well and the feeling was inspiring. I look forward to wearing it with pride on race day. What have you done for trail work? I still need to perform my work to officially compete.
Thanks for the advice on the GoPro 2 camera. Simple is always better.
No trail work yet. Those of us who live down here (south of Fresno, says the FAQ) need to do the trail work on the course, on the official trail work days…and I don’t see any posted yet.
If I don’t hear/see anything soon, I’ll ask. I suspect that the work will be done in the spring, once everything starts growing in earnest, the trails are more in need of clearing, and won’t be grown back by race day.