Kearsarge Pass
Extremely good news.
"Chaos should be regarded as extremely good news" - Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
I was in Albuquerque in April to run Cedro Peak 50K on my birthday. Ken Gordon said "You're running High Lonesome!" Ken is running it…

New Mexico Sky
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Apartment hunting in Albuquerque. The courtyard. Not so far from mountains. Just off San Pedro. Quiet at 8:37 am on a Saturday. Cars are a little beat up. Not bad.
"Don't use that tone of voice with me, young man."…

Fear’s a Man’s Best Friend
Oh baby, baby - Oops I did it again.
I've signed up for Mogollon Monster. I feel as though I haven't been running well for the last year and a bit. I feel as though age has caught up to me. I feel as though my performances, from now on, will…

Mindful running: I run just to run
I haven't written about running in a while because what is there to write about? Pretty much you just run. Somedays I run fast. More days I run slow. Usually I hike up hills. Running down them is a particular thrill, especially if they…

Rattlesnakes, Wild Parrots, and Meditation on Sound
"We are immersed in a soundscape of enormous depth and variety. Just take a moment to listen. What do you hear?" [1] It's 6:31 am. My kitchen window faces east. Highland Park isn't awake yet. There are some gloriously brooding storm clouds…

Confronting Fear
There is a guy amongst my acquaintances whose stated ambition as a runner (and perhaps as a man) is "To crush fear in all its forms".
While it might work for him, it seems to me to be the wrong approach to take when confronting fear.