The Happy Hill
The Happy Hill.Halfway down Mt. Williamson I passed a little kid hiking up with his family."Is the hill happy or painful?" asked the little kid as I ran by. "Happy!" I told him.Thank you, little kid, for making my day, a day that was already…

Mt Lowe Trails
A favorite place for me to run in the San Gabriels front range is Mt. Lowe.It's good, scrappy stuff, exposed, rocky (some sections very), harsh, and fun. It's also reachable on foot from town, although I usually prefer to get right to it and…

North Side of Mount Wilson
The sun was setting as I approached Mt. Wilson on the last stretch of trail. By the time I reached the top, it was dark, and a brilliant almost blood red sunset stretched across the horizon, interrupted in the middle by a low blue cloud.I'd…

Triple Digits Lonely
Pacific Crest Trail heading down to Sulphur Springs Road
6.36 miles, from mile 42.72 to 49.08, elevation just below 6,000 feet. The middle of the AC100 race, and the last section of heat. It starts with 4 miles…

Silver Moccasin Trail
The Silver Moccasin Trail begins at Chantry and ends at Vincent Gap. Comprised of a series of somewhat distinct trail segments, parts of which are shared by other trails, most of which used to be Native American trails, it's 53 miles long,…

Cheseboro Canyon, 21 Miles
Cheeseboro Canyon is located in the northernmost section of the Santa Monica Mountains Nation Recreational Area. Before the ranchers moved in, the Chumash Indians lived in the canyons. The canyons are said to be full of deer, bobcats, coyotes,…