Desert: Calico 50K, Joshua Tree, Salvation Mountain.

Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree

I haven’t posted in a while. This site is about to undergo a major overhaul. I’ve gotten so dissatisfied with this presentation that I haven’t been feeling like adding any more to it. Of course, I’m tinkering far too much with the new design to ever get it finished, plus busy working on a bunch of other stuff, like finishing a gallery of AC100 photos from last year, before this year’s race begins, or working on a couple of videos, not to mention my day job, a relationship, and AC100 training…

It’s a full life for a minimalist. I’m enjoying it.

The last day of 2011 was spent down at Salvation Mountain.

New Years Eve was spent in 29 Palms, and New Years Day Kista and I took a run through Joshua Tree.

At this exact moment, my friend and running partner Maggie Beach is running Brazil 135, which is the Brazilian version of Badwater. She’s 51.5 miles in to the race, and in 7th place overall.

This weekend, Kista and I will be back in the desert running the Calico 50K, the first ultra for each of us, hers in 2008 and mine last year.

Update: It’s pissing down rain here in LA, and apparently the same is going on the desert. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be cold and hopefully not too muddy. Meanwhile, Brazil135 is at 31 hours. 3 runners have finished, including the first place female, Deborah Simas of Brazil. Maggie is in 5th place overall, second place female, with 130 miles behind her and 5 miles still to go. Pretty f*cking amazing.

3 replies
  1. Mykl
    Mykl says:


    Hi. It’s good to see a new post on your site, which I discovered while doing research on the Chimera 100 and the AC 100. You provide a nice perspective with your words and pictures. I concur that keeping a blog up to date is hard work, but I like what you have done. I’m looking forward to the new web design.

    I, too, will be at the AC 100. And, like you down there, I have to contend with the rain up here in the Bay Area. Anyway, I hope your training goes well and perhaps we’ll meet in July.


    • Geoff
      Geoff says:

      Thanks. AC100 is going to be a tough race, I think. The new design will accommodate the images a little better, I think, with better galleries and an image-of-the-moment section as well as the blog.

      Did you end up running Chimera?


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