LA River

I’ve been running and cycling the LA River bike path for a few years. Just like anything repeated over and over again, it can sometimes be a rather boring run. The good news, though, is that all you ever need to do to view something in a completely new way is change your perspective…and in this instance, all that required was crossing a narrow footbridge to the east bank, a stretch between Los Feliz and Glendale Blvd. Murals I never knew were there (I’d only seen the backs of the walls they were painted on), a little yoga walk, let’s-make-the-revolution-fun graffitti… LA River, East bank
If we’re familiar with the LA River, it’s from car chase scenes in movies from the ’70s & ’80s. (For some reason, they don’t film chases there anymore. It’s probably best, too; chunks of that concrete river have become a delicate urban ecosystem). There’s a lot more to it than that. The LA River has a rich and interesting history. Friends of the LA River is an organization dedicated to cleaning, preserving and improving the LA River. It’s also a great resource if you want to learn more. A cooler but harder-to-follow, full-of-art-theory-and-other-esoteric-stuff resource is here.

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