
Migrants crossing sign near Mexican border

Racism, Misogyny, Intolerance in the San Diego Ultrarunning Community: A Compilation

A compilation of racism, misogyny, intolerance, and hate publicly directed at writer Myriam Gurba by ultrarunners in California   Introduction Last June, Myriam Gurba and I went down to Cleveland National Forest for an intended weekend…
Stagecoach 100 Buckle

Lost in the Dark: Stagecoach 100 Race Report

Salida, Colorado I'd spent the week camping in near Monarch Pass, in the Sawatch range of Colorado, where only six weeks earlier I'd tried and failed at High Lonesome 100, dropping out angry, frightened, and miserable in the middle of a dark…
Saguaro, runners, sunrise

Javelina Jundred 2013 Race Report

Javelina Jundred consists of 6 15.4 mile loops, run washing machine style, followed by a 9 mile loop, for an official total distance of 100.8 miles, even though the actual distance mathematically adds up to 101.4 miles. (I guess there is some…
Me at Chantry

Whistling Past the Graveyard – AC100 2013 Race Report

Welcome to the 265th annual AC100.Friday August 2nd, at the Best Western pool just off the 15, on the edge of the high desert, facing the freeway. Traffic is loud. I'm pretending it's the ocean.The lady at the front desk has cleaned up pretty…
Sioux Teepee, by Karl Bordmer, 1833

Pre Race Jitters

I cannot find my Rocky Road long sleeved tech shirt, or my Outdoor Research cap. Not only is it my most comfortable long sleeved shirt and my most comfortable cap, but they are also my LUCKY shirt and cap. It's no coincidence that the last time…
My feet, at Chantry, mile 75

AC100 2012 Race Report

Build upLooking through the last 6 months of entries into this blog, I see that almost all are about the build-up to this race. I'd trained long and hard, and made a lot of great new friends doing it. In the last 2 months, my doubt grew. …
Mount Williamson

Islip to Chilao

I am confident that I am physically ready for AC100. What I'm not as confident about is that I am mentally ready.Mahatma Gandhi is famously quoted as saying "I have only three enemies. My favorite enemy, the one most easily influenced for…
Hilda Xicarra, tears of joy

Rocky Road 50 & 100 mile Endurance Run

Rocky Road 100 is held along horse trails in Coto de Caza, in Orange County. Originally intended as a counter to Texas' Rocky Racoon, with liberal cut-off times and an equally non technical course that combine to make it especially favorable…
Road down to Silverado Canyon

Chimera 2011 on film

Well, actually, mostly on video. 100K - 63 miles to us non scientist Americans - (a high school girlfriend's grandparents in Oklahoma threatened to start a militia they were so outraged over President Jimmy Carter's acquiesence to going commie…
Me at Maple Springs aid station

Chimera 100

Cold, wet, rocky, and long. We gathered at the starting line, cold, foggy, looking more like refugees than runners. Race director Steve Harvey (who deserves great praise for all of his events) mercifully delayed the start by about 15 minutes…
Maggie Beach- Chantry - 10:45pm


Maggie at Chantry, mile 75 Angeles Crest 100. 100 miles through Angeles Forest and the San Gabriel Mountains, starting at Wrightwood and finishing in town in Alta Dena, almost all trail, often technical, 23,000 feet of up and 26,000 feet…

Western States 100

Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run. Perspective makes a difference. Some people never recovered from the snow and ice. Others, like Maggie, cite it as a favorite part of the race, although it seems Maggie fell as often as anyone, and came…

Nanny Goat 2011

Nanny Goat 12hr: 60 miles 7th place overall. Nanny Goat 12/24/100 is run on a 1 mile loop run around a ranch in Riverside It's a timed race: 12 hours, 24 hours, and, this year, an official 100 miler.I ran the 12 hour race. This would be…
Sunrise on the course

Protected: Good morning, sunshine. Javelina Jundred 2014 race report.

Thursday. Welcome to ArizonaIt had been a tough few weeks. Work stress, constant fights to get anything done, a drunk driver totaling my brand new car, insurance companies, bills bills bills. The real world was hitting back hard, and I was…