
San Joaquin River

San Joaquin River Trail Race Report

EconoLodge. "Fuck you!" "No, fuck you!" This is the sort of well thought out argument that takes place between two drunk women in the room next to us at the Econolodge in Fresno. A good night's sleep was not in the cards. Andrea…
Me, crossing stream

Shadow of the Giants 2014

Tuni the Mexican Wonderdog was living outside a seafood restaurant in Mexico when Heather found him. He's 11 now, and just about the most contented dog on the planet.Heather parked her car next to Larry's in the back corner of the lot. The…
Mariposa Grove

Shadow of the Giants 50K

Shadow of the Giants 50K is run on heavily wooded trails less than 2 miles south of Yosemite National Park. It's an old school, low key affair, not much flash and glitz and Facebook presence. It takes place in the town of Fishcamp, population…

Calico 50K 2012

A return visit to my first ultra. Flashback to January 2011. I'd just run a marathon distance long run - 'round and 'round the Silverlake Reservoir 12 times on the day after Christmas, after an autumn of nagging injuries and canceled road races.Kista…
Calico Hills

Calico 50K

2 weeks before the race, my friend Kista suggested I run Calico with her. I said yes. It would be my first 50K, just as it was her first 5 years ago. I loved it. It was, for me, the best 50K I could've picked for my first. Yes, the…
Bingo, Yermo


My friend Kista and I headed out to the desert early the day before the Calico 50K so that we'd have a bit of time to roam around, see the sights, maybe even take a few pictures before picking up our race packets and then settling in for the…