Angeles Crest 100 – 2015 Race Report
Mile 38. Howie emerged at Cloudburst looking haggard. He was hurting everywhere, especially in his back, which was pulling everything below it up - his glutes and his hamstrings. Howie was in pain. I reminded him that nobody is having fun…

Jemez Mountain 50 Miler Race Report
The air in New Mexico is known for its clarity, and its light. This is a stark change from LA, where the marine layer creates an almost always present haze that traps the smog beneath it. And then there's the smoke from the fires burning in…

Zane Grey 50 Race Report
Payson, Arizona.I'm always surprised by the the beauty of Arizona. What comes to mind when I think of the state are wide, flat, parched expanses of sand with the occasion shrub, saguaro cactus and Vermaland sign - in other words, the long stretch…

The Living Desert: Black Canyon 100K Race Report
I have a thing about the desert.When I was young, maybe six or seven, being American was my only connection to my dead father. My mother was French, my stepfather Canadian, we lived on the Canadian Prairie, and all I had were a few old photos…

Ashes: AC100 2014 Race Report
Friday morning, 9am, August 1, sitting in my driveway waiting for a ride out to Wrightwood. I'm writing in a list notebook I found on the trails in Topanga. #7 on the list: "Create excuse for ticket". #13: "Go hiking with Nico". The hike…

Shadow of the Giants 2014
Tuni the Mexican Wonderdog was living outside a seafood restaurant in Mexico when Heather found him. He's 11 now, and just about the most contented dog on the planet.Heather parked her car next to Larry's in the back corner of the lot. The…

Bishop High Sierra 2014 Race Report
After a few miles of thick sand, the course begins what is an almost 18 mile continuous climb, from 4750 to 9,350 feet, a slow, steady 4,500 feet in elevation gain, to the highest point of the course, at Overlook. The change in terrain is stunning.…

Coyote Backbone 68 Miler
I set up camp at the finish line the day before.
Full moon, in my tent at the finish line at LA Jolla campground in Pt Mugu. It's bright outside, which is good because I've forgotten my headlamp at home and tomorrow I will use a borrowed…

Calico 50K, 2014
The race begins with a two mile or so gentle downhill, and then there's about 16 miles of gradual uphill. I don't run enough uphill, it seems. The climbing in the San Gabriels is usually too steep to run, and only the guys in front will be…

Javelina Jundred 2013 Race Report
Javelina Jundred consists of 6 15.4 mile loops, run washing machine style, followed by a 9 mile loop, for an official total distance of 100.8 miles, even though the actual distance mathematically adds up to 101.4 miles. (I guess there is some…

Whistling Past the Graveyard – AC100 2013 Race Report
Welcome to the 265th annual AC100.Friday August 2nd, at the Best Western pool just off the 15, on the edge of the high desert, facing the freeway. Traffic is loud. I'm pretending it's the ocean.The lady at the front desk has cleaned up pretty…

Shadow of the Giants 50K
Shadow of the Giants 50K is run on heavily wooded trails less than 2 miles south of Yosemite National Park. It's an old school, low key affair, not much flash and glitz and Facebook presence. It takes place in the town of Fishcamp, population…

Quad Rock 50 Race Report
I headed out to Colorado to visit family and run the Quad Rock 50 in the foothills of the Rockies, just outside of Fort Collins. Put on by ultrarunner Nick Clark, the race is a 25 mile loop run twice, the second time in reverse, mostly on…

Griffith Park Trail Marathon
The Inaugural Griffith Park Trail Marathon took place Saturday, April 13 in (you guessed it!) Griffith Park. I showed up armed with a hydration vest packed with about 20lbs of cameras (as well as gatorade) and the idea to get in about 15 miles,…

Old Goats 50M, 2013
Old Goats 50M 2013 was a great day for some runners and a horrible day for others. Chris Price appeared to cruise in for a win and new course record. Keira Henninger looked focused and strong as first woman, despite running an extra few miles…